Sunday, November 21, 2010

In the Land of Mercedes and Porche

11/16 to 11/21 Palm Springs
Camping at Lake Cahuilla outside of LaQuinta with the Canadians who flock here for the winter.  Lake Cahuilla is a recreation area with a huge man made lake in the desert.  Lots of interesting shore birds hang out here.  We are camping here for the week while visiting Jan’s Aunt Marg who is in Hospice Care.  Have spend time sitting by her side and having slow conversations. She is getting ready to check out, but we’ve still been able to communicate some. Glad we are able to be there to pass on our love from our family to her.
Palm Springs is something else.... miles and miles of walled in golf course/gated communities and everyone has a shiny new, expensive car. We are quite the sight tooling around in La Tortuga.
11/21-Heading home for Thanksgiving. 
A huge wind came up in the night which literally blew away the tents surrounding us in the campsite.  Tortuga was rocking like a boat most of the night and made for a difficult sleep.  In the morning we took a desert walk and had intended on leaving for Ontario and our plane ride back to Portland, but the wind was roaring with 50 mile and hour gusts and sand flying everywhere.  So we hunkered down to wait. The wind finally died down in the afternoon, and we made a run for it up through the pass to San Bernadino (Tortuga is not so fun to drive in the wind we’ve found. Puts up a bit of a fight.)This drive was an intense freeway experience surrounded by fast moving trucks (we were going 45 mph  up the pass) and driving through an alien landscape of thousands of wind turbines.  We finally arrived at our friends place and after a nice dinner with Barb Plunk and family we overnighted in their driveway.  Barbra dropped us at the Ontario airport the next morning and we flew to Portland up over the Eastern Sierras. Watching the road below which we had just driven, now covered with snow, we were glad that we had gotten south before the storms.

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